Jack the Ripper - An Encyclopedia by John J Eddleston (2001),
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Jack the Ripper
An Encyclopedia
Jack the Ripper
An Encyclopedia
John J. Eddleston
Santa Barbara, California
Denver, Colorado
Oxford, England
Copyright © 2001 by John J. Eddleston
Maps by Jill M. O. Looper
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review,
without prior permission in writing from the publishers.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Eddleston, John J., 1952–
Jack the Ripper : an encyclopedia / John J. Eddleston.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-57607-414-5 (hardcover: alk. paper) — 1-57607-547-8 (e-book)
1. Jack the Ripper. 2. Serial murders—England—London—
History—19th century. 3. Serial murderers—England—London—
History—19th century. 4. Whitechapel (London, England)—History.
I. Title.
HV6535.G6 L6532 2001
7654321 0987654321
130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911
Santa Barbara, California 93116-1911
Manufactured in the United States of America
This book is printed on acid-free paper
A Note on Terminology,
How to Use This Book,
Jack the Ripper: An Encyclopedia
1 The Victims, 1
Fairy Fay, 1
Annie Millwood, 2
Ada Wilson, 3
Emma Elizabeth Smith, 4
Martha Tabram, 6
Mary Ann Nichols, 12
Annie Chapman, 26
Susan Ward, 36
Elizabeth Stride, 36
Catherine Eddowes, 48
The Whitehall Mystery, 61
Mary Jane Kelly, 61
Annie Farmer, 72
Rose Mylett, 73
Elizabeth Jackson, 74
Alice McKenzie, 74
The Pinchin Street Torso, 79
Frances Coles, 82
Summary, 84
Brown, Dr. Frederick Gordon, 95
Brown, James, 95
Brownfield, Dr. Matthew, 95
Cadoche, Albert, 96
Cheeks, Margaret, 96
Clapp, George, 96
Coles, James William, 96
Coles, Mary Ann, 96
Connolly, Mary Ann, 96
Cooper, Eliza, 96
Coram, Thomas, 97
Cox, Mary Ann, 97
Cross, Charles, 97
Crow, Alfred George, 97
Darrell, Elizabeth, 97
Davis, John, 98
Diemschutz, Louis, 98
Diemschutz, Mrs., 98
Dixon, George, 98
Donovan, Timothy, 99
Dukes, Dr. William P.
Eagle, Morris, 99
Ede, Thomas, 99
Evans, John, 99
Fisher, Elizabeth, 100
Foster, Elizabeth, 100
Foster, Frederick, 100
Fowles, Thomas, 100
Franklin, Margaret, 100
Friday, William, 100
Gardner, John, 100
Gold, Eliza, 100
Goldstein, Leon, 101
Graves, Alice, 101
Green, Emma, 101
Green, James, 101
2 The Witnesses, 93
Albrook, Lizzie, 93
Arnold, John, 93
Barnett, Joseph, 93
Bates, Thomas, 93
Benjamin, Corporal, 93
Best, J., 94
Bierman, Rose, 94
Birrell, Emily, 94
Blackwell, Dr. Frederick William, 94
Blenkingsop, James, 94
Bond, Dr. Thomas, 95
Bousfield, Mary, 95
Bowyer, Thomas, 95
Brittain, Charles, 95
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