Jack Vance - [Gaean Reach 01] - The Gray Prince (v5.0) (), Ebooks (various), 2015 Best Ebooks
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//-->JACK VANCETHE GRAY PRINCEJack Vance was born in 1916 and studied miningengineering, physics and journalism at the University ofCalifornia. During World War II he served in the mer-chant navy and was torpedoed twice. He started contrib-uting stories to the pulp magazines in the mid-1940s;his first book,The Dying Earth,was published in 1950.Among his best-known books areTo Live Forever, TheDragon Masters—forwhich he won his first Hugo—TheBlue World, Emphyrio, The Anome,and theLyonessesequence.THE JACK VANCE COLLECTIONThe Dragon MastersMaske: ThaeryThe Gray PrinceABOUT THE MAKING OF THIS BOOKibooks, inc. wishes to express its gratitude to the VIEProject, for the assistance they provided in the makingof this book.The VIE Project is a virtual gathering of enthusiasts fromall over the world, working together via Internet, anddedicated to the creation of a complete and correct Vanceedition in 44 volumes; a permanent, physical archive ofVance's work, doubled by digital texts. Texts are restoredto their pristine condition, reviewed and corrected underthe aegis of the author, his wife Norma and his son John.The text that they supplied for the present edition istherefore the definitive, authorized version.For more information about this unique, original groupof people, the Reader can visit the VIE website at:www.vanceintegral.com.THEGRAY PRINCEJACK VANCEnew yorkwww.ibooksinc.comA Publication of ibooks, inc.Copyright © 1974 by Jack Vance;renewed 1990 by Jack VanceAn ibooks, inc. BookAll rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this bookor portions thereof in any form whatsoever.Distributed by Simon & Schuster, Inc.1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020ibooks, inc.24 West 25th StreetNew York, NY 10010The ibooks World Wide Web Site Address is:ISBN 1-59019-581-7
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