James Murray - Enforcing the English Reformation in Ireland, Historia(2)(1)
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Enforcing the English Reformation in Ireland
This book explores the enforcement of the English Reformation in the heartland of
English Ireland during the sixteenth century. Focusing on the diocese of Dublin – the
central ecclesiastical unit of the Pale – James Murray explains why the various
initiatives undertaken by the reforming archbishops of Dublin, and several of the
Tudor viceroys, to secure the allegiance of the indigenous community to the
established church ultimately failed. Led by its clergy, the Pale’s loyal colonial
community ultimately rejected the Reformation and Protestantism because it
perceived them to be irreconcilable with its own traditional English culture and
medieval Catholic identity. Dr Murray identifies the Marian period, and the opening
decade of Elizabeth I’s reign, as the crucial times during which this attachment to
survivalist Catholicism solidified, and became a sufficiently powerful ideological
force to stand against the theological and liturgical innovations advanced by the
Protestant reformers.
dr james murray
has published a number of articles on aspects of Ireland’s
sixteenth-century religious history. He is Director of Framework Implementation
and Qualifications Recognition at the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland.
Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History
Series editors
anthony fletcher
Emeritus Professor of English Social History, University of London
john morrill
Professor of English and Irish History, University of Cambridge, and
Fellow of Selwyn College
ethan shagan
Associate Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley
alexandra walsham
Professor of Reformation History, University of Exeter
This is a series of monographs and studies covering many aspects of the history of
the British Isles between the late fifteenth century and the early eighteenth century.
It includes the work of established scholars and pioneering work by a new
generation of scholars. It includes both reviews and revisions of major topics and
books which open up new historical terrain or which reveal startling new
perspectives on familiar subjects. All the volumes set detailed research into our
broader perspectives, and the books are intended for the use of students as well as
their teachers.
For a list of titles in the series, see end of book.
Clerical Resistance and Political Conflict
in the Diocese of Dublin, 1534–1590
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