Jane Dailey - Before Jim Crow, Książki USA

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before jim crow
american culture
Thadious M. Davis
Linda K. Kerber
Editorial Advisory Board
Nancy Cott
Cathy N. Davidson
Jane Sherron De Hart
Sara Evans
Mary Kelley
Annette Kolodny
Wendy Martin
Nell Irvin Painter
Janice Radway
Barbara Sicherman
Jim Crow
the politics of
race in postemancipation
Jane Dailey
The University of North Carolina Press
Chapel Hill & London
© 2000
The University of North Carolina Press
All rights reserved
Set in New Baskerville type
by Tseng Information Systems, Inc.
Manufactured in the United States of America
The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence
and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for
Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dailey, Jane Elizabeth, 1963–
Before Jim Crow: the politics of race in postemancipation
Virginia / Jane Dailey.
p. cm.—(Gender and American culture)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
0-8078-4901-4 (pbk.: alk. paper)
1. Virginia—Race relations—Political aspects—History—19th
century. 2. Virginia—Politics and government—1865–1950.
3. Reconstruction—Virginia. 4. Race awareness—Political
aspects—Virginia—History—19th century. 5. Sex role—
Political aspects—Virginia—History—19th century. 6. Social
classes—Virginia—History—19th century. 7. Afro-Americans—
Virginia—Politics and government—19th century. 8. Afro-
Americans—Civil rights—Virginia—History—19th century.
9. Slaves—Emancipation—Virginia. I. Title.
II. Gender & American culture.
24 2000
0403020100 54321
0-8078-2587-5 (cloth: alk. paper)—
231 .
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