Jay Sankey - Best of Vol 1, Ultimate Magic eBooks Collection

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Jay Sankey – The Best of Jay Sankey, Vol. 1
Diehard Opener
The magician approaches and strikes up a conversation with the audience; during this
conversation, he does a few flourishes with the cards, demonstrating that he does know what he’s doing and
isn’t just some one’s uncle with a card trick. After the flourishes, he turns to one of the audience members
and riffles the corners on the pack of cards, asking the participant to say stop at any time. After this, he
performs a one-handed cut and sends a card flying from the deck. Sadly, it is not the chosen card. With the
other hand, the magician begins to riffle through the deck, looking at all the other cards. The magician then
names the chosen card and turns over the single card he’s been holding; it has magically transformed into
the chosen card.
Twice As Nice
The participant selects a card and, after showing it around, inserts into the deck. With just a
magical wave of his hand, the magician reverses every card in the deck EXCEPT the selected card.
Erdnase Aces
The four aces are stripped from the pack by the magician; they are then distributed evenly
throughout the pack. The magician states a gambler can cut the cards and find an ace. This magician tries
cutting the cards but, sadly, he is not a gambler. The top card is displayed to be an indifferent card. With a
simple wave of his hand, however, the card changes magically into an ace. This is repeated and, again,
another ace. The indifferent card is turned face up on the deck and the process is repeated; the spectator
sees the face up card and then, suddenly, there is a face down card. Finally, the indifferent card is picked
up from the deck and, with just a little snap, turns into the final ace.
Smuggler Aces
The magician states that any old magician can make the four aces travel magically from the
middle of the deck to the top. But it takes a special sort of wizard to make them travel through the air and
land back in the deck. To demonstrate this, the magician rubs of the cards on his knee; it’s gone. He
repeats this motion and now two are gone leaving us with only two aces. The magician takes the card in
his hand and then tosses it towards the tabled deck; it has vanished. The last ace, the magician openly
places on the deck, gives the deck a sharp knock and the top card is revealed to be indifferent. The
magician then turns the cards over and spreads them, showing the four aces together in the middle of the
Prediction Impossible
The spectator is asked if he/she believes that people have free will. They are then asked if they
believe they, themselves, have free will. An experiment is designed to decide whether the spectator truly
has free will. A card of the same color backing is extracted from the magicians pocket, the back has a large
“X” drawn on it. This X card is distributed somewhere into the pack; no one knows what is on it’s face.
The cards a spread face up and the spectator chooses a card. All the other backs are shown to have no X;
the selected card is then shown to have the X. The magician wants to take this a little further, however, and
deposits the selected X card in his pocket. If the selected card came from another deck, then it must have a
matching mate inside the deck that has been in use. This time the spectator picks a card face down and it
seen, in fact, to be the expected mate.
Skin Deep
(similar to “Here Then There” from Crash Course in Cards)
The magician riffles down the corner of the cards, asking someone to say stop at any point. They
say stop, the magician cuts the cards at the stopped point and shows the top card. This card is placed on the
table and is covered by one (or more ) of the spectators hands. The magician then cuts the deck again and
shows the top card. He magically runs his hand over the deck and suddenly the card on the deck has
changed to the card under the spectators hands. The magician says he can do it again and drops the card on
the deck face down on the table and then turning the card from under the spectators hands face down. He
mixes the two cards up and asks the spectator(s) to put their hand(s) atop one of the face down cards. After
they do, he shows them the card they didn’t pick. In a blink, the card in the magicians hand changes to the
card they had their hands on and, after picking up their hands, it is shown that the card has once again
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