Jay Sankey - Cut Here, Ultimate Magic eBooks Collection

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Cut Here:
The performer slowly moves an open pair of scissors down the length of a thin
strip of cardstock and asks the spectator to say the word, "Stop" anytime they
wish. When they do, the magician gives the spectator another opportunity to
either raise or lower the position of the scissors as much or as little as they
like. The spectator has an absolutely free choice. Finally, the performer cuts
the strip of paper in half, precisely where the spectator decided When the strip
is turned around, the cut is found to be directly between the two words "Cut
Here" which are printed on the paper!
This is really cool, but SO simple.
Just print out a sheet of paper on your computer that looks like this
Only, the 2 words should be at the the very top and very bottom of the page.
then cut vertically an either side of the words, making a 1-1/2 inch strip or so.
then, as precisley as you can, cut horizontally right through the word CUT
HERE as close to half way as you can. Do the same thing on the bottom
word. The two pieces that you cut off, when stuck together, should match to
spell CUT HERE almost perfectly.
Now you have a strip with a half CUT HERE on top and on bottom
Hold the piece of paper UPSIDE DOWN, so that the the top part of the word
CUT HERE is upside down. get them to cut the paper anywhere they want. as
the bottom piece falls, ask them to pick it up. While the piece is falling, it will
rotate naturally in the air, so the spec cannot know which side was up to begin
with. During this misdirection, REVERSE the piece you are holding, so that
the CUT HERE word is at the bottom. show it to them, and it will look like they
cut right through the only word on the paper.
I use construction-style paper for this, as it is thicker, so the spec cannot see
through the paper, which would reveal the secret, like they can with standard
printer paper.
There are many applications fo this idea. I also print a page like this:
and cut through the 8's on top and bottom. This allows for cool prediction
effects. For this, though, you have to be sure they do not cut through any
other number. I place an home-made envelope type thing over top of the
sheet, with lines through THE SPACES BETWEEN THE NUMBERS drawn on
the envelope. get them to cut through one of these lines. open the envelope,
and they should have cut through one of the spaces. then you can reveal the
Jay Sankey
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