Jamie Sutliff - [Sphere of Visions 01-03] - The Elves of Owl's Head Mountain; The Land of the Nen-Us-Yok; The Sphere of ...

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//-->The Sphere of Visions - the TrilogybyJamie SutliffPublished by Cold River PublicationsProduction byReAnimus.comVisit the Critters ebookstore for Jamie Sutliff's ebooksLicense NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or givenaway to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchasean additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it wasnot purchased for your use only, then please return to aburt.com/fiction and purchase your owncopy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.ISBN 978-0971286719Book 1 - The Elves of Owl’s Head Mountain. Book 2 - The Land of the Nen-Us-Yok. Book 3 -The Sphere of Visions – 3 novels by Jamie Sutliff. Books 1 & 2 edited by Christine A. Blumberg.Book 3 line editing by Darinda Teeling – Covers by Kevin C. EvansThis is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious, andany resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.Copyright©2011 by Jamie Sutliff - covers by Kevin C. Evans. All rights reserved, including theright to reproduce this book in any form, or portions thereof, in any form.A Cold River Book – Cold River Publications 512 Deerland Rd. Box 606, Long Lake NY 12847-06061. Young Adult 2. Fantasy 3. Fiction 4. Americana. 5. Native American folklore.Reference: Archaic Algonquian, Iroquois, Mohawk Languages - 1.“The Indian Pass by AlfredBillings Street, published in 1869 Hurd and Houghton. 2. “Iroquois Folklore” by Rev. Wm. ABeauchamp 1922~~~Reviews“A film of magic and Algonquian mythology - a rich rewarding story of a boy growinginto his place in the adult world, with the help of a little pixie dust. This story is young adultfiction, full of adventure, romance and battle - FOUR STARS.” Heather Shaw, Editor, ForeWordCLARION Reviews“Be prepared for kids to tell you, this is better than a new Harry Potter book - mine did.This is a humorous writing, in a balanced, clean forward-moving style. It is so well visualized thatyou might say the movie has already been made.” Mason Smith, Journalist/novelist – author of“Everybody Knows – Nobody Cares.” (Knoph)“This is a great kid’s book packed with fun, fantastic characters and plenty of action.Readers of all ages will take this story to heart.” Elizabeth Folwell, editor, Adirondack Lifemagazine“An ambitious tale reminiscent of Tolkein - they’ll be asking for a sequel and I lookforward to reading it!” Hallie E. Bond, author of – “Paradise for Girls and Boys” and “Boats andBoating in the Adirondacks: 1840-1940.” Syracuse University Press“An enchanted land of wizards, pixies, sorcerers and shape-shifting creatures - youngreaders will be as drawn to it as Mitchell is to the Land of Souls.” Patricia L. Maddock, Editor -The Chronicle Newspaper, Glens Falls, New York.“Because kids are over-stimulated and exposed to so much violence it is important for themore basic values to be validated. What a comfort to escape to Owl’s Head Mountain wherehonor and courage are valued. This book is readable and so much fun. I think kids of all ages willenjoy it.” Dr. Jacqueline Sullivan, PHD. School Psychologist, West Hempstead school district,Long Island, New York.Elves Chapters:1. A voice from a star2. The Queen of Owl’s Head Mountain3. Chubbney and Plumpella4. Iggles’ nest5. Austin Elf6. Millicent Mouse7. Prunelda Phunguss8. The people who are not seen9. Percy10. A tattered Frisbee11. Shaman’s ghost12. Chief Adota13. A Warrior of Owl’s Head Mountain14. Scizzum and Wartlip15. Dark forces are coming16. Have you seen this dog?17. Princess Prudence Hellstorm18. Queen Hillarie Hellstorm19. Dweeblefink the goblin20. The magic blade21. A pile of dirty straw22. A spell of confusion23. “Sic em”24. The Fire Goblin25. Queen Sally Celestial26. A sniveling coward27. Firstchild and the Algonquian Pixie28. The Unicorn’s magic29. Rockstrong30. Men of magic in Endenland31. Grand scheme32. Bad witch – good elf33. Queen Valor’s revenge34. Wayotah35. Brother Beaver36. Why must you whine?37. The pain of mortality38. A dragon39. To save them from extinction40. Ruler of all you see41. Duel with the demon42. Tall tales43. A thief44. A well of evil45. Nana Rose46. Land of SoulsA strange vineZendah, the Wraith QueenGnarled twisted rootsThe Bloodstone KeyLazy goblinThe last farewell [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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