Jane Harrington - My Best Friend, Ebooks (various), 2014 Best Ebooks

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//-->THIS PAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFT BLANKby Jane Harrington•MinneapolisFor my Jonny•All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means— electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of Lerner PublishingGroup, Inc., except for the inclusion of brief quotations in an acknowledged review.Darby CreekA division of Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.241 First Avenue NorthMinneapolis,MN 55418 U.S.A.Website address: www.lernerbooks.comCataloging-in-PublicationHarrington, Jane.My best friend, the Atlantic Ocean, and other great bodies standing between me and my life withGiulio / by Jane Harrington.p. ; cm.ISBN 978-1-58196-070-9Ages 12 and up.—Sequel to: Four things my geeky-jock-of-a-best-friend must do in Europe.—Summary: As a class assignment, Delia keeps a journal and records her life and her fantasies aboutthe Italian exchange student Giulio, who also happens to be Brady’s boyfriend. And, oh, by theway, Brady is Delia’s best friend.1. Teenage girls—Juvenile fiction. 2. Best friends—Juvenile fiction. 3. High school students—Juvenile fiction. [1. Teenage girls—Fiction. 2. Best friends—Fiction. 3. High school students—Fiction.] I. Title. II. Author.PZ7.H23815 My 2008[Fic] dc22OCLC: 174504758Manufactured in the United States of America7/1/11eISBN:978-0-7613-8597-4Freshman EnglishPoetry JournalTuesday 9/5I’m not trying to steal Giulio from Brady.It’s just that it has come to my attention(via a reliable source: the Internet)that the average teen relationship lasts just 34 days.And since the two of them have been togetherfor, well, I don’t know—maybe 11 days,23 hours, and 13 or 14 minutes (but who’s counting?),I’m just getting READY, is all. I want to be prepared.Being prepared can’t be a BAD thing,or else it wouldn’t be the official Girl Scout motto.One way I am prepared:I now know EXACTLY how to pronounce his name.The Italian G is pronounced like a J3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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