JavaScript.Testing.Beginners.Guide, Literatura Programisty
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JavaScript Testing
Beginner's Guide
Test and debug JavaScript the easy way
Liang Yuxian Eugene
JavaScript Testing
Beginner's Guide
Copyright © 2010 Packt Publishing
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First published: August 2010
Producion Reference: 1130810
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
32 Lincoln Road
Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.
ISBN: 978-1-849510-00-4
Cover Image by Vinayak Chitar (
Liang Yuxian Eugene
Editorial Team Leader
Akshara Aware
Chetan Akarte
Kenneth Geisshirt
Stefano Provenzano
Aaron Saray
Mihai Vilcu
Project Team Leader
Priya Mukherji
Project Coordinator
Vincila Colaco
Hemangini Bari
Acquisiion Editor
Steven Wilding
Dirk Manuel
Development Editor
Tarun Singh
Producion Coordinator
Shantanu Zagade
Technical Editors
Paramanand N. Bhat
Pooja Pande
Cover Work
Shantanu Zagade
Copy Editors
Lakshmi Menon
Janki Mathuria
About the Author
Liang Yuxian Eugene
enjoys solving diicult problems creaively in the form of building
web applicaions by using Python/Django and JavaScript/JQuery. He also enjoys doing
research related to the areas of recommendaion algorithms, link analysis, data visualizaion,
data mining, informaion retrieval, business intelligence, and intelligent user interfaces. He is
currently pursuing two degrees, Business Administraion and Computer Science at Naional
Cheng Chi University (NCCU) at Taipei, Taiwan. Eugene has recently started a personal blog at
I want to thank all of the great folks at Packt Publishing for giving me the
opportunity to write this book. This book would not be possible without
the help, advice and imely correspondence of Steven Wilding, Tarun Singh,
Vincila Colaco and Priya Mukherji of Packt Publishing.
I want to thank Professor Johannes K. Chiang (Department of Management
of Informaion Systems, NCCU) and Professor Li Tsai Yen (Department of
Computer Science, NCCU) for their unwavering generosity in providing
both personal and professional advice to me whenever I needed it.
I want to thank my family and friends for their coninued support.
Last but not the least, I want to thank Charlene Hsiao for her kind
understanding and ireless support for me.
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