Jane Campion s The Piano, Film Ebooks (thanx hilakku)

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Jane Campion's
The Piano
Jane Campion's
The Piano
is one of the most unusual love stories
in the history of cinema. The tale of a nineteenth-century
arranged marriage between an unwed mother and a settler in
colonial New Zealand, the film swept the world upon its release,
winning awards for its performances, script, and direction, includ-
ing prestigious Cannes and Academy Award prizes. Rejecting
stereotypes of the romance genre, it poses a new set of questions
about relationships between men and women, and marriage in
particular, as well as issues related to colonialism and property
ownership. This volume examines
The Piano
from a variety of crit-
ical perspectives. In six essays, an international team of scholars
examine topics such as the controversial representation of Maori,
the use of music in the film, the portrayal of the mother-daughter
relationship, and the significance of the film in terms of interna-
tional cinema, the culture of New Zealand, and the work of Jane
Harriet Margolis is Senior Lecturer in Film at Victoria University of
Wellington, in New Zealand. Author of
The Cinema Ideal,
she has
also contributed to
Film Criticism, Semiotica,
Cinema Journal.
General Editor
Andrew Horton,
University of Oklahoma
contains essays by leading
film scholars and critics that focus on a single film from a variety
of theoretical, critical, and contextual perspectives. This "prism"
approach is designed to give students and general readers valuable
background and insight into the cinematic, artistic, cultural, and
sociopolitical importance of selected films. It is also intended to
help readers grasp the nature of critical and theoretical discourse
on cinema as an art form, a visual medium, and a cultural product.
Filmographies and select bibliographies are included to aid readers
in their own exploration of the film under consideration.
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