Jana Downs - Bringing Home the Ice Prince,

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Bringing Home the Ice Prince • Jana Downs
Bringing Home the Ice Prince
lone. It was the story of his life. Colton Stanton, Cole
for short, took a sip out of his polar bear coffee mug
and let the hot chocolate warm his insides. The
flames crackled in the fireplace; despite the warmth
emanating from therein, he‟d have to add wood soon.
He could already feel the heat ebbing as his fire lost energy.
He sighed deeply, set his mug on the coffee table, and stood.
No matter how warm he made his house, it wouldn‟t warm
the ice that seemed to encase his soul.
Cole had left his North Carolina prison as soon as he‟d
turned eighteen. NYC had seemed like the Promised Land for
someone like him, a place where he could lose himself in the
anonymity of the city. A place where no one would care that
he was a foster brat. A place to start over. He‟d worked hard
to put himself through school, managing to snag two
scholarships sponsored by the state after his first semester.
He‟d always pushed himself academically. All the sappy
Lifetime movies he watched told him that education was the
only way out of a penniless existence. He‟d gotten his
master‟s degree in literature and taught part time at a
community college as he worked on getting noticed for his
writing. Cole had always been a writer and often lost himself
in the worlds in his head. His fiction tended to be
heartrending depictions of love and loss with happy endings,
in stark contrast to what he actually knew of reality. Finally,
in his late twenties, he had sold one of his manuscripts to a
Bringing Home the Ice Prince • Jana Downs
major publisher, and his life had completely changed. He
filed that under the “how the hell had that happened?”
column in his mind. Then he‟d filled his world with all the
things he‟d lacked in his childhood. Well, almost everything.
Some things were still missing.
Dragging himself out from the shit swirling in his head
like the world‟s largest toilet bowl, he threw another log on
the fire and stared into the crackling flames, contemplating
the moment he‟d decided to abandon New York and
everything about his life there.
I should probably shoot Eric
an e-mail to let him know I’m still alive
, Cole thought, going
back to his plush green couch and burrowing under his red
fleece blanket. He and Eric had worked together for the past
five years, ever since his first book was accepted for
publication, and somewhere along the way he‟d become more
than an editor. He‟d become a friend. A copy of Lisa
Jackson‟s latest thriller lay open on the armchair, waiting.
Cole rubbed his eyes and yawned. Maybe he‟d e-mail Eric
tomorrow. His eyes were heavy and his body warm beneath
the soft blanket. Before he could convince himself to cross
the wood floor and pour himself into the cool bed in the
other room, he was asleep.
hard knock on the front door jolted Cole out of his
rest. He stretched with a groan of pain as his
cramped muscles protested the movement after
sleeping in an uncomfortable position on the couch
Bringing Home the Ice Prince • Jana Downs
all night. The fire had long since died, and the hardwood
floor was freezing on his feet as he stood.
“I‟m coming!” he barked at the door. He wondered briefly
who could be banging on his door this early in the morning.
Nestled in the rural North Carolina mountains, his home
rarely received visitors. He had surprised himself by buying a
home in the place he‟d once called a prison. He‟d first
returned on the insistence of a friend who wanted to visit the
Biltmore House in Asheville. Despite his bad memories of the
state, Cole had found himself falling in love with the quaint
historical charm of the town like so many other city dwellers
did, and he decided to buy a vacation home near there. The
seclusion and natural beauty acted like a calming balm to
him after a hard write, and he‟d made it into his own rural
retreat. Not many people knew who he was or even that he
lived in the area. In fact, the only other person he‟d had at
his home in months was the elderly Mrs. Bryant, who
hobbled up the hill every Sunday to bring Cole a home-
cooked Sunday dinneragainst his adamant protests, of
course. It couldn‟t be Mrs. Bryant, though, because unless
Cole had lost his ever-loving mind, it was Thursday.
Cole smoothed his hands down the front of his sleep-
wrinkled shirt and swung open the heavy oak door. He
blinked several times in confusion. Was he still asleep?
There on his front porch, in two inches of snow, wrapped up
like a seasoned Eskimo to stave off the cold, was Eric. The
early morning sunlight poured over his broad shoulders and
etched out in detail the natural highlights of his golden hair,
and then, just to fuck with Cole‟s equilibrium, decided to
play “mesmerize like a kaleidoscope of beautiful” with his
Bringing Home the Ice Prince • Jana Downs
emerald eyes. The eyes that Cole had been practically
drooling over since first staring into them.
“Good morning,” Eric said brightly. “Did I wake you?”
Cole blinked again. His brain still wasn‟t processing
Eric‟s presence on his doorstep. He looked so out of place in
such a rural setting. A native New Yorker, Eric was most at
ease in the rolling urban sprawl. Cole had never been able to
picture Eric here.
“You going to invite me in, or am I supposed to stay out
here and turn into a popsicle?” Eric demanded in his usual
straightforward manner. His bluntness was one of his most
endearing qualities.
“Yeah, sure. Sorry. Wasn‟t expecting anyone. Come on
in.” Cole stepped back to allow Eric to enter his home. He
shifted from foot to foot as he watched Eric sweep the room
with his discerning gaze. His home was built for comfort;
everything was plush and soft, in stark contrast to his New
York apartment, which was the epitome of functionality. He
knew for a fact that Eric‟s own apartment was more modern
in its décor. “Toe off your shoes so you won‟t get water on the
floor,” Cole said.
After he took Eric‟s coat and sat him on the couch, Cole
retreated to the bathroom. He stared at the unforgiving
reflection in his mirror and winced. His dark hair was stuck
up every which way, and his brown eyes had black circles
underneath them. He brushed his teeth quickly and washed
his face, hoping that it would clean him up a bit. He also
needed a shave, but that would just have to wait.
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