Jane Davitt,
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Truthful Change
Copyright © June 2010 by Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No
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eISBN 978-1-60737-597-5
Editor: Judith David
Cover Artist: April Martinez
Printed in the United States of America
Published by
Loose Id LLC
PO Box 425960
San Francisco CA 94142-5960
This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical
events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either
the product of the author‟s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or
locales is entirely coincidental.
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~ * ~
…my doubts are dead,
My haunting sense of hollow shows: the change,
This truthful change in thee has killed it.
—The Princess
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Aiden heard a shriek from the bathroom down the hallwhich, if asked, he
would have more politely referred to as a shoutand then cursing. Loud cursing.
Loud, colorful cursing.
Luckily, Scott‟s house, though small, had thick walls.
At times like this, Aiden was glad that he‟d accepted Scott‟s offer to move in a
few months after they‟d begun dating because he knew from experience that the
neighbors in his previous apartment wouldn‟t have appreciated the swearing. In
fact, he could have expected either annoyed banging on the wall shared by the two
apartments or a nasty note slipped under his door. Maybe both. Now, though, he
was the only person to hear Scott‟s protest, and they could make all the noise they
wanted to while they were working things out, which it seemed like they were
having to do more and more often these days.
“I‟m sorry!” Aiden called when there was a pause.
The shower stopped running, and half a minute later Scott came storming out,
hair soaking, towel barely wrapped around his waist. As far as methods of
convincing Aiden not to use all the hot water in the tank went, it fell pretty short.
“Six minutes,” Scott reminded him. “And then I get six, and neither one of us has to
take a fucking freezing shower.”
“I thought you liked showers that included fucking,” Aiden said, blinking
innocently at Scott and then watching, less innocently, as drops of water ran down
over Scott‟s chest.
“I like hot water even better,” Scott said with a shiver that sent the towel
sliding down his legs to the floor. He didn‟t bother trying to stop its descent, which
made Aiden feel certain that forgiveness was his for the asking. Scott‟s cock was
twitching, hardening just from the appreciative look it was getting.
Aiden took a step forward, already smiling. “So let me warm you up.”
“No,” Scott said with a firmness that managed to be completely unconvincing.
“We‟re not doing this now. I‟m on early duty at the hospital. I‟ve got to be dry,
dressed, and out of here in, uh, eight minutes, or I‟ll be late.”
“Drive faster,” Aiden suggested, and closed the gap between them. “If you get a
ticket, I promise I‟ll take care of it.”
“I thought you said agents who did favors for friends were walking a fine line.”
Aiden slid a hand around the small of Scott‟s backfor all that he‟d
complained about his shower water turning cold, the man‟s skin was warm
2 Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow
enoughand grinned. “I didn‟t say
I‟d take care of it. I could always pay it.
Come on; just a couple of minutes?” With Scott standing naked in front of him,
smelling like shampoo, Aiden‟s interest in his breakfast had waned considerably.
Scott caught his bottom lip between his teeth and frowned thoughtfully as if
Aiden were one of his patients with something really interesting wrong with him,
like a mutated Black Death virus or something. Okay, he
that look drove
Aiden crazy, setting off all sorts of fantasies, like the one where a routine physical
turned into hot and steamy sex on the examination table. The kind of fantasy that
Scott would never go along with because he said it was against the Hippocratic
oath, which was just bullshit. The truth was, Scott couldn‟t keep a straight face or
stay in character as a lecherous doctornot that it was much of a stretchand
nothing killed a scene like the giggles. Scott held the pose and then sighed, all faux
reluctance. “I
let you blow me.”
“Oh yeah? Don‟t do me any favors,” Aiden murmured, leaning in and biting
Scott‟s shoulder hard enough to make Scott squeak in protest, though gently enough
that the mark it made wouldn‟t last for more than a couple of minutes. “You want
that? My mouth on your cock?” He didn‟t wait for Scott‟s answer, because he already
knew it; instead, he dropped gracefully to his knees and rubbed his freshly shaved
jaw against Scott‟s dick.
Scott groaned, his hands already busy in Aiden‟s hair, ruffling it up into even
wilder spikes than normal. Aiden combed it often, but whenever he walked past
something that threw his reflection back at him, it always looked the same; a
feathery, tousled dark blond mess. Scott‟s hair fell into shape at a look, dark brown
and glossy. Tidy hair. Even down here, the wiry cloud of dark hair surrounding his
cock looked orderly. Aiden squinted at it absently as he applied his tongue to all
that squeaky-clean skin stretched tightly over whatever the hell kept an erection
up. Blood, sure, but blood was liquid and this was solid, hot and hard, and it was
going to taste way better than the protein shakes Scott kept trying to make him
“Did you actually trim this?” he asked incredulously, tugging at a tuft of hair.
“When I wanted you to shave it off, you said no way in hell.”
“Shut up and get back to sucking me,” Scott said, his voice gratifyingly
breathless. Aiden had been working longer hours than usual since an outbreak of
summer flu had left his office operating with several agents down, and Scott had
been equally busy dealing with the sick and sneezing. Sex had become a luxury,
sleep a matter of a few hours snatched whenever possible. This was the first time
that they‟d been awake and horny at the same time in what felt like weeks. Scott
worked a hand free of Aiden‟s hair and traced around Aiden‟s lips with a fingertip.
“God, you‟ve got a pretty fucking mouth, you know that?”
It wasn‟t the first time Scott had told him so, though that didn‟t make it any
less nice to hear it. Aiden let his eyes close as he leaned forward and shaped his lips
around the tip of Scott‟s cock, concentrating on the feel of it pressing over his
tongue. He breathed through his nose and shoved the heel of his left hand against
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